Catholic G K Chesterton Society
Catholic G K Chesterton Society
The 14th Annual GK Chesterton Pilgrimage is on Saturday 27th July 2024.

The 14th Annual GK Chesterton Pilgrimage will take place on Saturday 27th July 2024. There are several ways you can join us, either in prayer, or by joining us in walking a short section of the pilgrimage or even in walking the whole 27 miles! To be involved and maybe help members of your Family into the Catholic Church you can;
B. Join us on the day of the Pilgrimage, Saturday 29th July 2023, for an Old Rite Mass at 2.30pm at The Bridgettine Convent, Fulmer Common Road, Iver, SL0 0NR. BRING A PACKED LUNCH.
C. And if you like you can walk 6 miles after Mass to GK Chesterton's Grave.
E. Or, to do the whole 27 mile walk, meet us at 7.15am outside St George's C of E Church, Aubrey Walk, London, W8 7JG where GKC was Baptised as a baby, to walk 21 Miles to Mass. And 6 miles after Mass if you want.
D. Or meet us at 9.05am outside Ealing Town Hall to walk on to Mass (approximately 12 miles).
G. Invite friends to join us. The best way to do this is to click, Going or Interested/Maybe on the Facebook event and then click on Share and on Invite Friends and select those you wish to invite to join us for any of the above. https://www.facebook.com/events/941808393822680
H. Sponsor Stuart as he raises funds for Good Counsel; https://www.gofundme.com/f/annual-gk-chesterton-walking-pilgrimage-27-miles
Follow on Twitter, @CatholicGKCSoc #GKCWalk
A report of the Bishop of Northampton's Sermon at the Mass on the 2023 Pilgrimage appeared in the first issue of the second volume of GK’s Meekly, to receive a copy email catholicgkcsociety@yahoo.co.uk
G.K. Chesterton, A Saint?
Yes. Well I think so, and even more so now that the book of the talks of the Chesterton Society's 2009 Oxford Conference has been published. You can order the book The Holiness of GK Chesterton.
It seems that the Church would like some proof that GKC is a saint. Please, therefore, do ask him for a miracle. Please print off some prayercards and off we go.
Read GK Chesterton for FREE
You can read many of GK Chesterton's works here including his biographies of St Francis and St Thomas Aquinas.
Catholic GK Chesterton Society, one inch [2.5cm] button badges https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284048496272
Read GK Chesterton, one inch [2.5cm] button badges; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284023255184
Frances Chesterton one inch [2.5cm] button badge; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Frances-Chesterton-one-inch-button-badge/284016577204
A. Send prayer intentions for us to pray for along the way, we will not make the intentions public; catholicgkcsociety@yahoo.co.uk
About Us
The most important thing about the Catholic G.K. Chesterton Society is that it is not. It is not a society but merely a website to promote prayer to the said G.K. Chesterton and the Pilgrimage.